Michael Ross is the former CHRO at Visa
What led you to join the SemperVirens Venture Capital Executive Advisory Board?
I have known and worked with the SemperVirens investment team for a few years and have been so impressed with the way the are building this ecosystem. It’s an incredibly exciting time in the space and when presented with the opportunity to be a co-founder of the Board, I jumped on it.
Why are you excited to be on the Board?
It’s a diverse and world class group of CHRO’s! In my view, it’s rare to have the opportunity to contribute, learn and make an impact in the VC world for a HR executive like those on this Board.
What are you looking to accomplish on the Board?
We all have a passion for contributing to the next version of the Future of Work. As a Board, we want our goals aligned with the VC team and Founders’ goals. We are here to help them.
Who can most benefit from the work of SemperVirens and its Executive Advisory Board?
I think the Founders of the companies that SV decides to invest in. They have energy, passion and vision, but what they often are missing is access to CHRO’s who have operated at global scale.
What is the first challenge you want to tackle on the Board?
We are all excited to get to know each other better, learn as much as we can and align our goals with the team. That process has already begun and it’s a blast.
What experience or expertise are you looking to transfer to your role on the Board?
I spent the majority of my career at large global organizations in operating roles. When I decided to move into the entrepreneurial space a few years back, my goal was to contribute to the transformation of the function and world of work at a broader ecosystem level. I am hopeful I can bring that combination of experiences to the board.
What is SemperVirens working on that would have been helpful for you during your time at Visa?
The explosion of HR technology is incredible and accelerating. It’s hard to keep up with! I worked hard to do that during my time at Visa, but with SemperVirens, it would have been more seamless as they are curating and streamlining the new technologies that are out there. It would have made my ability to engage with the most exciting and promising that much easier.